Suggester Discord Bot


A suggestion-focused bot that lets you receive and handle feedback from your community. It has a plethora of configuration features to let you tailor it to your needs.

Slash commands are not currently fully supported

About Suggester

### Suggestions have never been easier to setup Suggester makes handling suggestions quick and simple through a granular configuration system, which gives staff teams the freedom to manage suggestion flows however they want, with wizard-like setup options, statuses, comments and much more! # 🏷️ Marking Suggestions Keeping track of the state of specific suggestions is important. With statuses, you can inform users about the progress of a specific suggestion. We currently support a few different statuses that you can add to suggestions: Implemented, In Progress, Not Happening and In Consideration. # ⚒️ Moderation Abuse is really not something fun to deal with. As such, Suggester gives you the ability to both fight and prevent misuse of the bot in your server, with a range of features including: - Commands to prevent someone from using the bot entirely in your server - Settings to determine where commands can be used - A customizable cooldown users have to wait between sending suggestions # 💬 Comments Give users responses to their suggestions with comments! Comments can be added to any approved suggestions. If you'd like to remain anonymous, we support that. If you want your username to shine in public alongside the comment, we support that too. # ❓Support You can join our support server at

Suggester Bot Command List

Some popular commands for the Suggester Discord Bot, you can see a full list by doing /help in Discord.


Submit an anonymous suggestion.

Suggester Bot FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Suggester Discord Bot are answered here.

What is the Suggester Discord bot invite?

The Discord bot invite for Suggester is:

Is the Suggester Discord bot offline??

The Suggester Discord bot was last reported as being online, if you continue to experience issues please join their support server for help.

What is the Suggester bot ID?

The bot id for Suggester is 564426594144354315

Looking for the Suggester Discord bot invite? click the button below to invite it to your server.

Invite Discord Bot